Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Weigh-In and Other Topics

My first weigh-in was disappointing, mostly because it looked like I was on my way to a big loss. With my tooth hurting so much all week, I'd eaten very little during the day both because it hurt too much to chew and because the pain kept my appetite down. But during the evenings at home, I managed to find enough soft foods, which typically meant ice cream and the like, to blow it. Then yesterday I got my tooth fixed and I kind of went crazy for lunch (a Hardee's Big Bag lunch) on my way to work. Dinner wasn't bad, but I wound up having some snacks afterward that I really didn't need.

So on the one hand, yea disappointing that I didn't lose anything. On the other hand, considering how badly I ate in the evenings, at least I didn't gain anything. So the first week is a mulligan.

Week 1: 251.8

I'll do better this coming week.

The tooth got fixed yesterday, at least temporarily. I go back in two weeks for a root canal, but the main part of the pain is gone for now. It hurt like crazy when the novocain wore off because of the poking and drilling and the mild TMJ I have, but a vicadin took care of that pretty quickly. It made the drive home in the surprise snow storm interesting, but I made it alive. My jaw is still a little sore this morning but the tooth itself feels fine.

I took another vicadin last night, along with a strong drink, and slept pretty good, but now my thoughts are muddled and I can't quite get any pep into my writing. I'll try to be more interesting later.


  1. From your GAM admirer. Sorry to hear that you did not lose any weight. Glad to hear that you did gain weight either. Dentist operation sounds painful. Hope you are in good spirits.

  2. Thanks GAM. I actually am in decent spirits today. It's Friday, for one, and the wife and I are meeting some friends at a bar to watch a band. I'm not typically a bar scene guy, and live bands are too loud and attract to large a crowd for my tastes, but this is a really good band and I know three of the members pretty well, so I'm really looking forward to it.

  3. I need to get back on the horse too. You'd think with all this not masturbating I'm doing I'd have energy to work out. Think how many calories I'm NOT burning by not jerking off... argh! Better make time for the treadmill!

    1. I prefer the eliptical myself, because its easier on the knees.

  4. I thought you were going to provide some pictures.

    1. The pictures will come on the last Friday of each month. Only 3 more weeks to go! :)

      (But really, what are the chances I won't post some dick picks between now and then?)
