
Friday, September 20, 2013

Surprise - a Friday Post

We’re swimming in donuts at work today! Between a vendor who dropped off two dozen first thing this morning, and the guy who’s leaving to go to Houston coming by with three dozen a little later, we got more donuts than we can shake a dunkin’ stick at!

I wish they’d let me know in advance when this is going to happen so I can wear my stretchy sweat pants.

It’s a good group of people I work with, but to be as smart as they are they’re awfully bad at figuring things out. This week in particular has been bad, and I’ve almost blown my top a few times.

I don’t mind the constant need for hand-holding in order to perform the simplest tasks; as intuitive as a lot of computer and intranet things are to me, not everybody is going to grasp it as quickly as I do. A big part of their need for me here wouldn’t exist if they didn’t need my help with things. But I can’t stand the whining! (Also: I’d make a lousy parent.)

I am as patient as… well, I’m never very patient, but I can fake it pretty well when someone asks me about the same process we’ve gone over three times already. It’s not good for my teeth, but no biggie; they grow back. They will grow back, right?

But it drives me to the edge when I’m attempting to answer the question or demonstrate the process (again!) and the person who asks keeps whining! “Why does it have to be that way?” “I don’t like doing it this way!” “That doesn’t make any sense!” That was what I heard earlier this week from one of the guys who hired a Kelley Services temp. There was paperwork he was supposed to fill out last week, before his guy started, but he “didn’t know” he had to do it. Never mind that it was clearly spelled out what his responsibilities are; he’s an engineer and I don’t expect him to follow instructions. But quit bitching about the process! Or at least quit bitching to me about it; I don’t have anything to do with it and couldn’t change it if I wanted to.

What’s worse is when, like today, someone starts bitching about a process because they don’t see the benefit of the end result. And when I try to explain the very real benefit, they dig in their heels and insist the old way is better. Maybe it is, but if you don’t shut up long enough to find out what the new way is, you’ll never know!

No, I didn’t say that, as much as I wanted to. But what I did say was “If you aren’t going to listen to the answer, don’t ask the question” and walked away.

Oh, and L might be pregnant.

Have a good weekend, y’all!


  1. Sometimes the big things really need to be understated.

  2. Oh, and L might be pregnant.

    Oh, for the love of god. Better call Maury. I can think of three possible fathers.
