
Monday, September 23, 2013

Bitter Pills

If there’s one thing that can be said about L, it’s that she does learn from her mistakes.

Wait, that sentence doesn’t look right.

Oh, there it is: she does NOT learn from her mistakes. There, that’s better.

Back in January, L went through one of her “I miss S and love him so much!” phases, and snuck out one weekend while B was working to fuck him. I knew she was talking with S again because she told me, but I didn’t know until later that they’d actually gotten together. Then she decided that she couldn’t be with S after all, and predictably S then texted B to gloat about having fucked L to drive a wedge between them.

Somehow B and L worked it out and decided to stay together, but I imagine that had to be yet another bitter pill for B to swallow. Worse for him was when L found out she was pregnant, since he got snipped years ago. She wasn’t going to tell B at first, but then decided to after all. He took it well, realizing it didn’t change anything he already knew. He told her he’d go along with whatever decision she made, and fortunately she chose to get an abortion. B went with her to the clinic and comforted her later. B has burned a lot of good will in my mind over the past 2 ½ years, and rightly so, but he’s banked some too, and it’s things like this that’s the reason why.

Anyway, flash forward seven months and two more “I miss S and love him so much” episodes (that I know of, anyway.) Five weeks after the weekend she spent with S, and four weeks after the weekend she moved in with him (therefore three weeks after moving back) she’s starting to have some of the same symptoms: sore, swollen breasts, frequent urination, and morning sickness. Now just under three weeks ago she did have her period, but (apparently) that doesn’t mean she isn’t pregnant. And yes, L does know what causes this; I can only refer you to the (corrected) sentence I began this post with.

Now some of the more observant of you might be thinking “Ut-oh, Rob, if it’s been five weeks since the weekend she spent with S, that means it’s been around that same time since you fucked her.” And it just now occurred to me that you might have thought that on Friday when I first mentioned L might be pregnant.

Oops, sorry, I probably should have mentioned  that apparently I’m shooting blanks. It’s never been definitely confirmed, because Army doctors suck and can’t perform a simply semen analysis without fucking it up twice, but the wife went off birth control back in 1991 and she never caught preggers, despite everything on her checking out just fine. So there’s not really any chance it’s mine.

So she’s going to get another pregnancy test and find out if she is. She said this time she just can’t tell B, so I told her I’d go with her to take care of it. But if she is pregnant, I bet she’ll tell B again. And B will be pissed, and bitch and moan about it, but in the end he’ll go with her again, and comfort her afterward. 

But it’s just another one of those bitter pills for him to swallow.

UPDATE: This morning (after writing this) L told me she took the test and it was negative. That's good news, but I advised her to wait a week and take it again just to be sure. I don't know what the symptoms would be for if she's not pregnant, but we'll cross that bridge later.


  1. If she isn't pregnant (and I hope she isn't), but she has swollen breasts, there is only one thing to do. Get a camera!

  2. Glad you clarified - I was worried for you!
