
Sunday, March 17, 2013

St Patrick's Day Massacre

The wife and I went out with A last night. She's between boyfriends, so it was just the three of us. I'm sure the wife suspects I have a crush on A, but I behave and she likes A so she doesn't complain. Plus she has to figure I don't have a shot at A anyway, since she's 15 years younger and could do a lot better than me.

We had dinner and some drinks at an Irish Pub (the wife was the designated driver, so A and I tipped back a few Irish brews), then went to another bar to have a few more beers. A and I talked about her latest relationship that ended, and I gave her sincere advice on how to get past it, and to forgive the guy for his mistakes. We had some laughs and generally a good time. The wife kept her nose buried in her phone or on the TVs at the second bar, and only participated to a minimal extent. I was okay with that and later she didn't seem upset by anything, so I guess she's good.

We dropped A off, and when we came home the wife asked me to sleep in the spare room because of having drank enough that my snoring was probably going to be bad. I took my cell in with me, and was just buzzed enough to start a conversation with A. Here's how it went.

Me: Still awake?

A: I am

Thanks for hanging out tonight. I had a good time.

Me too. I appreciate the invite :)

Sorry the wife spent so much time playing her game hehe.

Ty for the pitcher as well. Oh no worries I wasn't upset about that. I hope she had fun too.

Yw. Would it make you mad if I said I sometimes imagine it's you and I that are out and she's the friend? Hehe
I didn't hear back from her for a few minutes, so I thought I better cover my ass in case it did make her mad.
Oops, autocorrect. I meant yes she had a good time.
See how smooth I am?

No it wouldn't make me upset. It makes me feel good that you think of me like that. You are lucky to have someone in your life that cares for you as much as you do her.
To be honest I do hope to find that one day. I will eventually find it just got to find one who isn't so emotionally scarred lol.

Hehe... I'm glad it makes you feel good. I do enjoy being around you. And yes you will find that one day.
Everyone has some emotional scars though. And things aren't always as perfect as they seem from the outside.

I enjoy being around you as well. Ty for the vote of confidence. I do sometimes have doubts of finding it lol. I know I'm not looking for someone perfect.
No such thing. I'm looking for an imperfect person who I see as perfect and visa versa
Like I told my ex, it's not about having scars it's about having someone who accepts you for who you are and cares for you anyway and you work together to help each other. That's my opinion anyway.

I agree.
I better let you get to sleep. You're probably already in your jammies, huh?

In my jammies watching TV lol. I can't fall asleep quickly.

I can't either tonight. Too wound up I guess.
No response after a few minutes, and I really was getting sleepy.
I'm going to try to sleep. Take heart, kiddo; your prince is out there somewhere. And until you find him... well it's too bad you aren't the kind of girl who'd fool around with a married guy, haha. ;-)

Ok sleep well ty yeah he is. Lol yea I'm not. I've thought about it but just wouldn't be able to.
Regardless just know you are a great looking guy.

Well thank you, hehe. I think the same of you. Not that you're a greet looking GUY... well, you know what I mean lol.
But if you ever change your mind...

If I ever change my mind you will be the first to know.

I can live with that :-)

So what do you think, do I have an outside shot? Or was she rolling her eyes and just telling a friend what he wanted to hear to shut him up? Was I an idiot for not being more direct in telling her my feelings, or a dumbass for saying anything at all? Did she mean that I'm the married guy that she'd thought about it with, but just can't do it? Is there any chance she'll change her mind, or is it a pipe dream?

God, I feel like I'm right back to being the awkward, dopey loser I was in high school.


  1. I think this is one of the friends you playfully flirt with and concentrate on how they make you feel instead of trying to seal the deal. There's something awesome about the butterflies in the stomach, the rare instances where you touch and it feels like electricity, all the cliches... And the sum of the emotional that skirts along the physical outweighs the realities of a fallout that you just wanna stay in that moment and soak it all in. Yeah, she takes you back to all the insecurities, but I also think she takes you back to a point where you believed in possibilities and dreams. And that's just plain beautiful. Just soak it up. No need to plan something more. You kinda lose that when you do.

  2. I agree w/Bruce. She'll be great for flirting but doubt she'll want to screw up a friends marriage. That said, you never know when some has a enough drinks in them and the opportunity is there...what people will do.
    I think you handled it great. You're far from some dopey high schooler, so don't worry there. Have fun, flirt away.

  3. And add me in the agree column. Both Bruce and Monkey Girl are spot on. Enjoy the flirtation.

  4. Thanks guys, I think you're giving good advice. And that all three of you agree says something. That doesn't mean I'll follow it if she gives me an opening, lol.

    I'm tempted to text her today and apologize for my borish behavior. But I think I'll wait until she makes the first contact, and maybe we'll act like it didn't happen.

    Mgirl, are you sure I'm that far from the dopey high school kid? Lol.

  5. are NO WHERE NEAR being a dopey high school, no worries there Rob. ;)
