
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Weekend Update - Friday/Saturday

Saturday Morning

I'm starting on my weekend update this morning, and will continue to update it as necessary, then post the final product Monday evening or Tuesday morning. I'm doing it this way because it's a long weekend, and some interesting (though not really sexual) things happened Friday, and I don't want to lose the thread of that over the weekend.

Friday just before lunch, Craig (from the story Craig's List Finally Comes Through) texted me. I won't go into it word for word, but he asked where I'd gone, saying I just fell off the world. I could have mentioned that he didn't text me either, but the truth is that I just didn't really feel like maintaining contact with him. Not that there's anything wrong with him; under some circumstances I think we could maybe be friends without benefits. But he's just too... I don't know, eager?

But we talked, and at one point I made mention of my age, and how everyone under 40 looks like a 20 something to me. He came back with "but you're hot! Don't be so down on yourself!" What was I supposed to say to that? "You are too"? "Thanks"?

Oh, yea, I guess I could have said "Thanks". Well, I didn't say anything because at the time I was at lunch with some coworkers. Normally I'm not invited, but I'd asked one of that guys that morning if he could take a ride in my Trailblazer at lunch to see if he could tell what was wrong with it. I thought it was the transmission, but I don't know anything about cars and needed someone with auto knowledge to help out. He agreed, then told me later a group was going out to eat, so he rode with me and we met them out there. (Turns out it's not the transmission, but the water pump needs to be replaced. Goodbye $450!)

Anyway, I saw Craig's text about me being hot when he sent another text asking when he'd get to "have that mouth again?" Instead of just saying that I'm over that whole thing, at least for now, I wimped out and just said that baseball season is over now so it might be a while. He replied back with "Ok then" which made me feel kind of guilty, so I followed up explaining that as annoying as it is for the wife to go to so many games, it's a welcome respite from the normal tied-at-the-hip thing (h/t to James.) He answered "I hear ya" and that's the last of it.

In one way, I want him to get the message loud and clear that I'm not interested in any further shenanigans, and really not even contact. As I said, it's not that he's a bad guy, but just too eager and I suspect if we did try to hang out "just as friends" he'd want something more and I'd be adamantly opposed to it, and it would get awkward and uncomfortable.

Anyway, after lunch I got back to the office and finished up some paperwork, then left a little after 2 p.m. I had some errands to run that had to be done earlier than I would have gotten off normally, and that it helped start the 3-day weekend a little earlier was just gravy. One of those errands was to get a quote from a local mechanic on fixing the water pump, then I stopped by my old office to check in on Z and kill some time before getting the new stereo fixed (again!) (More on that later.)

I had a short visit with Z and one of the employees, and on my way out Z and I stood outside and continued the conversation while he smoked his pipe. I asked if he'd ever gotten around to reading the blog and he said he had, but not since the update involving T. He admitted that it had made him a little uncomfortable, and I reminded him that he was the one who said he wanted to keep up with it. He laughed and said "I know, I know," then he mumbled something else and said "...but you still have that facial hair, so..."

(This is in reference to a comment he posted saying that our long-time friendship would make anything happening between us very awkward, especially since my facial hair would likely cause him bad memories from being molested as a kid by his father.)

We both had a good laugh out of that, but it did make me wonder at the possibility of anything like that happening. Right now I'm not really feeling the urge to do anything, and who knows if it will come back at a later time. Still, it was an interesting comment on his part, though it's highly likely it meant nothing.

The other interesting thing that happened on Friday was that I told L about the wife going on a bus trip with some of the season ticket holders some 5 1/2 hours out of town to watch a baseball game. It's a free trip that our local team does for the season ticket holders each year, and this was the first time she'd have a chance to go. L suggested that we should hang out since B would be working that night, and we decided we'd go out to eat at a nice restaurant. Now I'd be lying if I said I didn't immediately start thinking of other things we could get up to, but I didn't say anything about it and neither did she.

Well, that is to say I don't know if she said anything about it or not. As we talked about where we'd go to eat, I said anyplace was fine with me, and she said the same. After a few "where do YOU want to go" back and forths, she finally said "Okay, well think of something you want to try or haven't had for a while..." I was tempted to make a sexually charged reply to this, but decided to take the high road and treat it as a perfectly innocent statement. However, given our history it's really hard to believe she didn't see the double entendre in the statement.

So that's the plan for today. After the wife gets on the bus, and I get some things done around the house, I'm heading down there. We'll see what we see!

Saturday Night

Well, the long of short of it is; B must have taken some lessons from the wife on how to fuck up plans to have a good time. Of all the days for him to decide to call in sick, he had to pick tonight! I still drove down, and we hung out (the three of us!) for a while. In fact, it wasn't a bad visit at all; it just wasn't what it could have been.

I don't know if anything would have happened if it had just been L and I or not, but I would have preferred it just be her and I. We were going to go to the restaurant, then a few shops she wanted to stop, before heading back home (to their place.) Even without shenanigans, it just would have been more fun if we could have focused on us instead of being guarded around B (or anyone else.)

And if nothing had happened, if after all that time alone together L had shut down any naughtiness, I certainly would have been disappointed. Back when we first got involved it would have been a dream come true to have this much time to explore and play and really get right down in it. But times are different now, and though I don't like it I respect her wishes in that regard. If we'd had this golden opportunity and she'd said "no", I would have driven home after an otherwise good visit and felt a little sad, but it would have been okay.

But now I'm disappointed and frustrated, because I have no idea what might have happened. B being there fucked the whole pooch. Based on some of the things L said after he decided not to go to work, I know she'd been looking forward to us having us to ourselves. There was no definitive declaration of what we would have done, nor was there any statements that we would not have done anything, but I think the idea had to at least have crossed her mind. On a scale of 1 ("keep your hands to yourself, buster") to 10 (ripping each others clothes off as soon as we were alone), I think we were looking at a 4 at least, maybe even a 5. So it goes.

After finishing the Friday and Saturday portion, I've decided to post it now because of it's length. I'll post the rest of the update for Sunday/Monday if anything interesting and blog worthy happens. 


  1. About Craig: I totally get it. We spend so much time thinking about a particular thing we want or want to try, then when we finally get it, it's as if a blinder is lifted and you can see everything else around you. Suddenly, that one thing you were chasing is not as important. Flaws become more important and something like Craig's over-eagerness is one of those flaws that makes it a deal-breaker whereas before, it was something you could overlook.

    L: I don't doubt for a minute if you and L had that much time alone, it would have gone somewhere sexual. I'm glad B was there to be the cock-blocker. Just my opinion but you always seem to end up feeling bad afterwards.

    1. Yes, you're right, but the only reason I wind up feeling bad is because of the way L subsequently pushes me away in overcompensation for the guilt she winds up feeling. I'm "big brother" enough to feel bad about that guilt she feels, and I don't want her to go through that. I'm "horny, obsessed bastard" enough to (in the heat of the moment) think the euphoric high from those fleeting moments are worth the frustrating and depressing lows that --sometimes--... okay, usually follow.
