
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend Update

Once again I'm writing my weekend update early, on Sunday instead of Monday, because I have the time and I don't think anything of note will come up today. I'm hoping to have a cigar later, as the temperatures are supposed to get into the 60s. Later tonight it will start to rain, and then by morning we're supposed to start getting snow, heavy at times. Fucking March.

The wife and I are continuing to go to the gym most days, including Friday evening (cardio) and Saturday around noon (weight training.) So far my weight loss hasn't been as great as I'd hoped, but I am getting in better condition. We started a weight-loss boot camp this past week and I think that will help. The first day, Tuesday, was relatively easy because we had a weigh-in and measurements, but Thursday's session was brutal. After another five weeks of this (six total) I'm hoping to have a good jump start towards my goals and having better conditioning.

The niece was gone Friday and Saturday, which has been nice for the wife and I to have some more time together. We talked more Friday night about things, especially what I'd like from her during the baseball season. I told her I don't mind her going to the games during the week, but that I'd like her to be home early enough so that we have time together. Staying every night until the end of the game, which can be as late as 10:00 or 10:30, means I'm already in bed and ready to sleep by the time she gets home. I don't want to hear anything about the game or the people who were there; I just want to get to sleep.

I also told her that I understand she'll want to go to the weekend games, and maybe stay later for those since we don't have to get up early. But it's my weekend too, and I need to find something to get me out of the house so I don't go crazy. I don't like baseball enough to go to the games except on the rare occasion, so I told her I might go riding on the motorcycle or hang out with a friend here and there. She agreed that was fine, but we'll work out the details more when the season actually starts.

And no, I don't plan to use that time to mess around with other women like I might have (and in fact, did) last year. At the moment I'm still wanting to devote myself to the wife and making things better for us, and I don't think I can give that a fair chance if I'm fooling around.

However, lately the urges to fool around with a man have started building; they aren't at "obsession" level yet, and may not get there at all, but they are at the "growing curious" stage. Maybe it's silly for me to think that cheating on the wife with other women is different than messing around with a man, but in my mind it is. It's hard to explain, but being with a woman feels like it comes between the wife and I in a way that just sucking a dick doesn't.

Anyway, I've been checking Craig's List again the past week, and it's mostly been the same old BS that I have no interest in. But Friday morning I saw an ad that piqued my interest. The guy wrote that he's discrete, married, and looking for the same for maybe one-time, maybe ongoing fun. I wrote and said I might be interested in meeting and seeing what happened from there, and we exchanged a few emails to try to work something out. Unfortunately his best times are during the day, and mine are during the evenings (especially once baseball season starts.) So it may come to nothing, but we'll try to meet for a "get to know each other" dinner and see if there's any interest. If so, I'm sure we can work something out. (Though neither of us can host, so that's another issue to overcome.)

On a related note, my friend and I talked and he's cool with everything. I figured he would be, but like I told him it was a big step for me to let someone I've known for so long know about my curious side. I'm going to write a more detailed post about this, because it requires some backstory that I have his permission to tell. Stay tuned.

So that was my weekend; how was yours?

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