
Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Update

Happy Monday everyone! The Cowboys lost a close game to the Denver Broncos, but overall I'm in a decently good mood.

Friday we went out to dinner with L's ex FiL. We've stayed close with him even through L and B's problems because he's a pretty good guy, and we enjoy spending time with him. He always pays the check (except one time when I sneakily paid it first) which makes me feel bad, but that's just the way he is.

Saturday started out nice enough, and we even went for a ride on the bike. We rode out to a Wal-mart that was further out to get some things we needed because we wanted to enjoy the ride. Unfortunately, as we walked around the store, a good 30 minutes from home, I recognized the signs of a migraine coming on (I get blank, flashing spots in my vision). We picked up some Excederin Migraine pills and checked out, and I took one immediately before we headed home.

Because we were on the bike, though, I had to stay in the moment for the whole ride. It's hard when part of whatever you're looking at is gone and you have to keep shifting your vision around to pick up everything. The good news is the visual aura goes away after about 20 minutes. The bad news is that means the headache is on it's way.

If you've never had a true migraine, you just can't understand how it is. It's not a headache like you get when you're stressed, or drank too much, or a kid is screaming beside you (though any of those situations can lead to a headache.) The worst part of a migraine isn't really even the headache pain; it's the overall wrongness you feel from it. When I was a kid I'd get them once a month or so all through high school, and they always laid me up. The next day is no picnic either, when you get the migraine hangover. Fortunately I mostly grew out of them, but I still get them. Every once in a while I get them in clusters; I'll get one, then anywhere from one to seven days later I'll get another.

Fortunately for me (and the wife), Saturday's wound up being pretty mild. As soon as we got home I took an Ultracet and lay down for two or three hours. I should have slept, but I never could. (Another side effect of migraines for me is sometimes I'll get a raging boner, even though the last thing I want to do is fuck.) I finally got up and moved around, and really it wasn't so bad. I had the headache, but I wasn't nauseous. I was sensitive to light and sound, but it wasn't debilitating and it faded as the night wore on.

I made a half-assed dinner and we watched TV, and I had some drinks (though alcohol isn't the best thing to do with a migraine, so I didn't get drunk.) I took another Ultracet before bed, and we hit the sack. The wife gave me a pity blowjob, but I couldn't cum so we broke out her toys and got her off. By then I was hard again so we fucked and I finally came, but it almost felt like I was doing it more for her sense of accomplishment than for anything I needed.

Sunday was a good day, though, as I avoided the worst of the migraine hangover problems. I even mowed the lawn, and used the weed eater, without ill effect. I made a big pot of chili  and a pan for dinner of corn bread for dinner (comfort foods) and we "enjoyed" the Cowboys game. (It actually was enjoyable for 58 minutes. The last two sucked balls though.) I didn't sleep well last night, but I'll trudge through the day and try to get in bed early tonight.

So how was your weekends?


  1. As a Manning fan, I won't comment on the football game since I hat it when they end that way (on a mistake by a sucky quarterback) but i will give you my empathy on the migraine problem. My sister in law gets them so bad they built her a migraine room in the house, totally dark, 3 A/C vents to keep it ice-box cold, and sound-proofing to keep it quiet. She calls it heaven, my brother call is the "kill room" since you couldn't hear a thing from the outside and it's so cold the body wouldn't spoil for days.

    Her migraines are awful and i can only imagine how miserable they are. I'm glad you both got off on Sunday though, even obligation sex is, well, sex.

    Hope this week goes better!

  2. What a great game - until that damn interception.

    Sorry about the migraines. I've never had them but having worked with people who have suffered them, I recognize the difference between a migraine and your standard headache. Yikes.
