
Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekend Update

Not a bad weekend, all in all. I was off Friday and the niece and I took L some lunch, and I was planning to grill some steaks Friday night for dinner. L was heading back down the road for home, so it would have just been the wife, the niece and I. But the niece decided to go out with some friends, and I was feeling lazy by then, so the wife and I went and had a light dinner at a local chain restaurant. I wanted some lovin', but I was worn out and was fast asleep by 9:30.

Saturday morning the wife and I were getting dressed to start our chores. The niece was up and about, but I was horny and told my wife I wanted to cuddle a bit. We lay down and kissed, then she told me to take my pants off. I'd originally really only wanted to cuddle, but as soon as she said that I was hard! She was wet as well, so I knew she wanted it as much as I did. The niece was walking back and forth in the hallway from her room to the bathroom, which was distracting, but I came in about 5 minutes. It was fun being sneaky and quiet, but I felt bad for the wife because she didn't get to come.

We drove down to visit L for the day, and ended up having some great sushi at our favorite Japanese steak house down there. A long drive back, a few drinks, and again we were both too tired for any playing and were asleep before 10:30.

Sunday morning I made Breakfast Bacon Cups, which turned out wonderfully, and later grilled the steaks (finally!) for dinner. It rained most of the day, but I got a small window for having a cigar and then grilling, so I'd consider it a win.

My mood was mostly up, but there were a few spots here and there where I got aggravated with the wife, the niece, or with L. But I was able to maintain control and not snap at any of them. The wife realized I was mad at one point when I was trying to show her something on her computer and she kept interrupting me. She'd asked me the question in the first place, and it grates on my nerves to try to answer somebody's question and to keep getting interrupted, especially about stuff that's not relevant to the question. So I stopped trying to answer and handed her back her computer, and wouldn't answer any more questions about it. I would have blown up otherwise. She was quiet for a few minutes then said "I'm sorry," and kissed me, and that was that.

Now on to TMI stuff. Seriously, don't read any further because this is gross. I mean it! You only have yourself to blame if you go any further!

Okay, it's not really that gross, but I figured if I oversold it you wouldn't get as mad as if I undersold it. Anyway: I'm dealing with a painful hemorrhoid. I've had the itchy, burning butt hole before, but this is so much worse! I actually have a swollen external one, apparently where a vein filled up with blood. It's uncomfortable to sit for any length of time, and standing only provides some relief before it starts to hurt again. The weather might have been right on the edge of nice enough to ride my motorcycle to work, but forget it!

I'm treating it with a store branded version of Preparation H, but it's not helping much. I'll probably have to see the doctor if the swollen node doesn't go down, but god I hate doing that. One it's money I don't want to spend; two about the only thing he can do is nick the swollen part and drain the blood (gag!); and three it's just downright embarrassing. And I'll probably get stuck with a nurse practitioner, so that means the woman there will be the one gazing at my gnarly butt hole. It's funny how during sex I don't worry about all that, but in a non-sexual situation it just makes me really uncomfortable.

On top of that I have a tooth that started aching really bad yesterday, and this morning it hasn't subsided any. So that's another visit that's going to cost me money, especially if it gets too bad to wait until my scheduled appointment. I'll have to call them this morning because I don't remember when it's supposed to be, but I hope it's really soon.


  1. You are just a hot mess! Not to make it worse for readers, but I've had a little hemi' for several years. I guess it isn't the bothersome variety. Of course, anytime I think of wanting to try anal, I imagine the other guy freaking out!

  2. Dude, you have to get one of these things. They're fucking great! Cleans your ass with water, and nice cold water feels awesome!

    (I know kinda personal, butt you started it!)

  3. No worries about being too personal, Anon, that's what this blog is about. And that is awesome! I'm seriously going to look into that.

    JWB, are you serioualy telling me you've been dealibg with a rhoid like this, minus the discomfort, for several years? As in a nodule on the outside of your asshole? Because I've had it for just a few days and even without the pain I can't stand the thought of it being there! Or did I misread you?

  4. WHAT???? No photo's of your gnarly butthole? lol
